Saturday, September 12, 2009

For Such A Time Is This.....

This morning I enjoyed cool breezes, reading, and perfectly steeped hot tea on the patio. A friend gave me a book a few weeks ago. This book is one that I saw a few years ago and the title intrigued me.

Before I even finished the 2nd chapter, I asked myself, "Why I didn't purchase this when I first saw it This book is really going to be good, I think." No sooner had I had that thought; these words welled up within me.......for such a time is this.

During my recent "down time" I have been a little frustrated with myself. I thought I would have read several good books by now. Over the past couple of weeks, every time I pick up a book, I couldn't seem to get into it. Again,......for such a time is this.

I stopped early in the 2nd chapter to pen these thoughts. So, back to the book I go. By the way - this is the book - Traveling Light - Releasing the burdens you were never intended to bear. Th Promises of Psalm 23

Excerpt from the book - from Chapter 2
.....David sets out to deliver us from the burden of a lesser deity.
One might argue that he seeks to do nothing else. For though
he speaks of green pastures, his thesis is not rest. He will
describe death's somber valley, but this poem is not an ode to
dying. He will tell of the Lords forever house, his theme is not
heaven. Why did Davis write the 23rd Psalm? To build our
trust in remind us who He is.

Well, back to the book now. I'll let ya know how it turned out.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tonight at Worship Rehearsal we were going over our set for Sunday, (unless the Lord changes it between now and then which happens often). I had a song pulled that we haven’t done in a long time. It is, All Who Are Thirsty. As we were worshipping, the Lord was speaking to me about the words of the song.

All Who Are Thirsty
Brenton Brown, Glenn Robertson
All who are thirsty All who are weak Come to the fountain Dip your heart in the stream of life Let the pain and the sorrow Be washed away In the waves of His mercy As deep cries out to deep (We sing) Come Lord Jesus come (x3) Holy Spirit come (x3) As deep cries out to deep (x2)

So often, we get in the mode of striving for the presence of God when it is already ours as promised in the Word. The Lord spoke to my heart these words,
and gave me an addition to the song. Yes, you often come to me out of desperation, but you already have all I have provided for you, life and godliness, His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who call us by His own glory and goodness through these He has given us His very great and precious promises …. II Peter 1: 2 – So, this is not a plea but a declaration of, In earth as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:9-10. As we worshipped these words began to flow… All who are thirsty come to the well, of living water, dip your heart in the stream of life, le the pain and the sorrow be washed away in the waves of His mercy. Come to the well.

….but whoever dri nks of the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:14

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Motherhood is Bliss

I couldn't sleep so here I sit.... I just pulled up some cheesy Mother's Day videos. Yes, there are some cheesy ones out there. One that made me really laugh was a Mom had composed this hilarious rendition of William Tell Overture. Search for "Mom Song" .

Then..... something stirred within me and I realized...My baby girl is celebrating her first Mothers Day. Bliss occurred - what is "Bliss", complete happiness. That is what I see when I see my daughter gaze lovingly into her sweet Marli's eyes. Bliss is what I hear ringing in her voice when she calls to tell me on the newest adventure in Marli's life; the first smile, the first giggle, the first scoot and crawl, the first pull up; I can't wait for each new Bliss Call.

Our family is so blessed to have a long legacy of love threaded from generation to generation. Perfection, no - love and grace, yes.

As my spirit was awakened by the thought of " My sweet Betsy celebrating her 1st Mothers Day, I was also reminded of the love my Mom has lavished upon me. I love how threads of love continues to be weaved into our family. There is so much joy in seeing unconditional love in action.

The love of a Mother is like a warm blanket, safe and secure. A place of refuge. For some reason I keep thinking of this tread of love..... hmmmmm. A mother loves, protects, nurtures, the list goes on and on. I think of the scripture Ecclesiastes 4:12 - .....a cord of three strands is not easily broken. ( I think this applies to any relationship realizing that Jesus is the strong cord that holds all together.)

Seeing my child experience that Mother/ child connection somehow connects the two of us on a deeper level and it also connects my Mom and me on a deeper level. I somehow understand and appreciate her even more. Another thread of understanding is added to the blanket. Shared experiences continue and the blanket gets even warmer and safer......Thank You Lord for awakening these experiences in us that connect and protect.

Yes, Motherhood is Bliss!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Too often I find myself overly judging cliché’s.
Just this morning, I opened a forward, which may I add, I very seldom do. Forwards drive me crazy, most of the time; especially those saying, “If you don’t forward to 10 friends you're toast”. …..opps, sorry, rambling again.

Back to my point….in the above mentioned forward it began, “Lord, thank you for this day”. My first thought was …hmmm so shallow. THEN…. Reality….Lord, I do thank you for this day and forgive me for acting so condescending. It is a new day and I am thankful for it and every new day that follow.

Thank you for THIS day and everything it holds
Opportunity to advance the Kingdom of God
Opportunity to share hope to the hopeless
Opportunity to declare Your goodness
Opportunity to be all You have created me to be
Opportunity to build upon and build new relationships
Opportunity to hear Your voice
Opportunity to respond to Your call
Opportunity to effect this world with Your truth, Your grace, Your mercy

Thank you that I can choose This Day – Life, Peace and all that it means to be In You!
Thank you for This Day that is blessed with encounters with You and my beautiful family, friend and new relationships.

So…all that to say this…..Thank You Lord for THIS DAY!

Psalm 118:24This is the day the LORD has made;We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beyond Existance

While I was having some quiet time this morning; checking email, praying, seeking, a phrase just popped in my head. "Beyond Existence". I want to move past the mundane, everyday routine and truly make the most of every moment. Every day I seem to hear and see so many hopeless people merely existing. As I ponder this phrase, I am reminded that simply existing is a choice. Yes, we can get caught up in the everyday routine. but it is my choice with what I do with the everyday routine.

Beyond Existence is Hope Restored...Passion Renewed!

So, as i set here writing instead of cleaning house - it's ok.
Yes I want to manage my time and order my days where I can be more productive. But it's times like this where I feel alive, full of passion.

Choosing to live beyond existence, reveals those hidden treasures within us that God has planted. Water them with His Word and they will bloom to beautiful potential.

I picture a small clay pot with a large budding plant. It has to be transplanted in a larger pot to continue to grow into it's full potential. That's how we are. Sometimes we get comfortable in our routine and after time, feel crowded, cluttered and withered. Today, jump into the newness and freshness of His Word and His direction. Live BEYOND EXISTENCE!

Write down those hidden dreams - speaking them out is like transplanting to a bigger pot.
They now have room to grow and bloom.

Here are a couple of my dreams; Writing....teaching....who knows just making our dreams known can open wide doors of possibility and living life to the fullest.

Join me in the quest - Live Beyond Existence~

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The correct location to see a beautiful baby is

Monday, October 20, 2008


It's been almost one month since I became a grandmother.
It was the most wonderful blessing being there for Marli's birth.
Overwhelming joy is the closest I can begin to describe it.

Watching my beautiful daughter, Betsy over the last few months has been amazing.
I knew she would be a great Mom.

We were all there-buzzing with expectation. It was the most beautiful, natural progression.
Aaron and Betsy chose beautiful calming worship music to help her focus. It worked. Thank you, Rita Springer and others.

As soon as sweet Marli made her grand entrance - I called Poppa Donald and they all heard her first cry. I began snapping pictures to capture her first moments. It wasn't long until the room was full and family and friends were excessively celebrating Miss Marli's arrival. Marli has a host of family and friends and 2 especially loving Uncles, Uncle Ben and Uncle Drew.

I am still trying to find the words to describe the whole experience and just can't seem to come up with them. Though the words aren't there, the memories will last forever. And I look forward to seeing her grow. To know Christ and make Him known is my prayer for sweet Marli.

Enjoy the pictures! You can see loads of pics on at

I am overflowing with joy and awe.

God is GOOD and my cup runneth over!!!!